February 2025 Filing Deadline

The timely filing deadline for the February 2025 General Bar Examination is November 15, 2024. All required items must be received or postmarked by that date to avoid late filing fees.

March 2025 MPRE Deadline

The Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) registration deadline for the March 2025 MPRE is January 23, 2025. Please visit the NCBE's website at www.ncbex.org for information about applying to take that examination.

July 2028 Examination Announcement

The Florida Board of Bar Examiners has announced that it will administer the NextGen Bar Exam with Florida Law Component beginning with the July 2028 Florida Bar Exam.

Florida Board of Bar Examiners

Under rule 1-13 of the Rules of the Supreme Court Relating to Admissions to The Bar, the Florida Board of Bar Examiners is an administrative agency of the Supreme Court of Florida created by the court to implement the rules relating to bar admission.

Under rule 1-21, the Florida Board of Bar Examiners consists of 12 members of The Florida Bar and 3 public members who are not lawyers.

Officers of the Florida Board of Bar Examiners
Chair: Timothy S. Danninger, Esq.
Vice Chair: Cristina E. Groschel, Esq.

Members of the Florida Board of Bar Examiners
Diana K. Bock, Esq.
Brandice D. Dickson, Esq.
John W. Evans
Nathan W. Hill, Esq.
Kamran A. Malik, ASA, MAAA
Miles A. McGrane, III, Esq.
Gary M. Miller, Esq.
Carolyn Moore
Amy E. Myers, Esq.
John J. O'Sullivan, Esq.
Laura E. Pincus, Esq.
Rosalyn Destinie Baker Sutton, Esq.
Victoria J. Wilson, Esq.

Staff of the Florida Board Of Bar Examiners
Michele A. Gavagni, Executive Director
William G. Pafford, General Counsel

Please direct any correspondence to the Board's Executive Director.

Michele A. Gavagni
Executive Director
Florida Board of Bar Examiners
1891 Eider Court
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1750
(850) 487-1292
Image of the board's Seal. The central figure on the Seal is a griffin, a universally accepted symbol for vigilance. The griffin is holding the Nordic symbol for fidelity, which comes from Nordic mythology. Beneath the griffin appears the Latin phrase “Clemens iustitiae custodia.” Custodia is the word used for keeping watch in order to protect, and Clementia is used technically for leniency in punishing offenses. Closely translated, this phrase means “Compassionate and vigilant protection of justice.” Expanded, this would mean the watchful protection (or preservation) of justice, a watchful or protective preservation which is compassionate or merciful. The Arabic numerals \"1955\" appear at the bottom of the seal, indicating the year of the creation of the Florida Board of Bar Examiners.Copyright ©2011 - 2024 Florida Board of Bar Examiners. All rights reserved.